Get the drip and grow your customer!

email marketing concept, person reading e-mail on smartphone, receive new message

What is Drip Campaign?

If a person takes a certain action, he or she receives an automated series of emails. It is possible to choose how many emails to send and at what rate to send them when carrying out any given action. Personalized emails can include information like the contact’s name and a reference to the action taken. 

An example of a drip campaign would be sending emails to people who register for your offered course. If someone adds an item to their online cart but does not buy it, you can set up a drip campaign, also known as abandoned cart emails.  



 Drip Campaign is not less than a newsletter 

Newsletters are a very effective way to introduce your audience to your new announcement but it has a drawback when your user sign up for your newsletter he or she is only able to see the new emails after they sign up, you can’t let them see the old stuff means from where you had started.

Drip campaign interacts with your customer on a personal level, it lets your audience feel like they are special to you and this makes a strong bond with your customers.  If still, you feel your client is unresponsive, check these tips to turn the table


Why you are running your Drip campaign?

Now you are aware of the drip campaign and its benefits, now it’s time to figure out why you want to run this campaign and what are your objectives? 

When you are aware of your goals and objectives only then you can set up an effective and favorable campaign.


How to set up an effective Drip Campaign?

Here you will get to know that how you can set up an effective drip campaign to engage with the customers and generate more leads.

You have studied so many ways to launch a successful drip campaign but here I introduce you to some most effective strategies to launch your campaign. 


1) Don’t get lost in the crowd. Target your audience with precision.

Subscriber lists are broken into sections in drip campaigns, and information is targeted at specific niches. Your drip campaign strategy needs to be based on which triggers and groups you are going to target. First, figure out what is your target audience and then start with your campaign.

Now you must be thinking about how you can start with the campaign. You can go with the idea of a welcome message.

Let’s suppose your visitor subscribes to your course or newsletter, at that point you can send them a personalized welcome message via email.

Now the other example could be let’s suppose somebody has taken a trial version of your service here you can send them a list of some cost-effective yet helpful offers of your services to let them feel a personal touch.

But this is not the case all the time. Sometimes the user doesn’t return to your services in a long run. In these cases you can ask them is everything ok with them or they need any help from your side.


2) Clear, concise, and compelling copy

With the information you’ve gathered, you need to make sure your message is helpful and grabs their attention. Ask yourself, “What is the user supposed to do? And what is your objective?

Write copy that’s clear, catchy, and appealing based on your answer. Ensure that the message you convey is clear by maintaining the voice you have created for your brand.










You can also pinch your drip campaign if somebody has downloaded your offered e-book and taken your subscription.

Just like a friendly email like this-









3) Drip campaigns work, but only if you do them right.

Now you need to care about that what is the real goal of your campaign and an action plan how will you achieve it?

First, plan no of you emails you are going to send and what order, make sure that they have to be in series or a lineup.

It should let them feel your customer that it is specially crafted for them. 


4) Send emails and Drip done

Now you have decided your strategy and are all set to go. To send emails you can go through your software or Use a ready-to-use product that gets you up and running in minutes. To send drip campaigns with a ready-to-use product, you will first need a sales automation tool that enables you to send emails in advance and to different segments within your lead database. Sequences, a tool in Hub Spot Sales Hub, enables you to send email drip campaigns. In addition to integrating seamlessly with your CRM, drip campaign software should provide you with real-time campaign metrics so that you can update and tweak your campaigns as needed. Furthermore, it should enable deep personalization – no two leads should receive the same email. Greetings should at least address the person who will be receiving them. Lastly, your software should be intuitive and easy for all sales representatives to use. 


5) Tracking your drip campaign? You better be!

You cannot let your drip campaign run unattended just because it is automated. Based on your user segment research, you should reevaluate your strategy and readjust specific segments. Rewrite your calls to action if you don’t get as many clicks through as you want; try more educational communications before requesting a purchase if you don’t meet your conversion rate goals. Refine and improve.


Categories: Uncategorized
Varun Sharma: Internet Marketing Analyst, present Director @kvrwebtech.com Since 2009. Providing Internet Marketing as a medium for all kind of businesses to achieve the modern era goals. Have been highly successful in cultivating projects in Real Estate, Financial and Education Sector.
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