Switching to a ‘mobile’ recruiting process– need of the hour!

“The impact of ‘Smartphones’ can be easily felt all around us. The more interesting fact, most of the users are utilizing it for activities beyond making a phone call. If reports are to be believed, by 2017 the mobile internet traffic is expected to grow 13 times.”

This is a great alarm to the ‘HR’ world too! In future, most of the candidates will move to mobile, leaving the traditional desktop for applying to a job. As per the survey of LinkedIn a large ratio of the candidates view their career opportunity via mobiles. To add here, 45% of the active candidates apply for job through their phones. Thus, it is very clear that you need mobile optimized application process.

Just check here the four simple things you need to do:

  1. Get Optimized: Firstly, optimize your career site for mobile usage. As your IT department for a responsive design. Make sure you have a simple and clutter free website as the screens of smartphones are not as big as desktops!
  2. User-friendly application: Your next step should be towards creating an application process which is mobile friendly. Put off those never ending list of questions and especially for those multiple transition screens, say a strict ‘no’. The generation today loves everything quick and fast.
  3. A Mobile Expert: You need to hire a mobile expert in your HR team. The reason being, the technology is changing rapidly. You need to have expertise as per the latest technology around.
  4. Use technology: For everything, you don’t need to have in house. There are a number of technologies available in the market place that you can incorporate with your career website. For example, you can employ Skype, which facilitate you to schedule a video interview saving the candidate’s time as well yours too!

Having a mobile recruiting section helps the employers to constructively and emotionally connect with their prospective employees. Moving one step ahead with you contenders let you have the better working team!

Varun Sharma: Internet Marketing Analyst, present Director @kvrwebtech.com Since 2009. Providing Internet Marketing as a medium for all kind of businesses to achieve the modern era goals. Have been highly successful in cultivating projects in Real Estate, Financial and Education Sector.
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