Mobile web will dominate internet search so why not optimize websites now!

Mobile internet usage is going to overtake desktop internet usage by the year 2014 and those who will not preempt and design a marketing strategy for the same will struggle badly to keep up with the ever-changing SEO scenario. Given below are some of the ways in which internet usage, search and marketing strategies will change pertaining to this massive change.

  • As keyword strings and search terms from mobile device are going to be comparatively short with heavy dependence on predictive text or Google Suggest therefore website optimization has to be done keeping that in mind.
  • Voice search like iOS Siri is surely going to rule the roost so websites optimized with keyword targeting will be benefitting in a big way.
  • Search aided by picture is going to come in a big way, whether mobile internet usage increases or not. For example tools like Google Goggles are going to be a huge hit 2-3 years down the line.
  • Due to the mobility of smartphone devices and tablets there is going to be a huge dependence on geo-tagging applications so that is the reason why search will also yield results depending on the location you are currently in.
  • Last but not the least sociability will have to be at the core of all the mobile search algorithms and websites have to be designed keeping that in mind.

Via: Forbes

Image http://petitinvention.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/future_search1_petitinvention.jpg?w=590

Image: http://www.brightlabs.com.au/content/Image/news/january2011-articles/mobile-internet-trends-1.jpg

Varun Sharma: Internet Marketing Analyst, present Director @kvrwebtech.com Since 2009. Providing Internet Marketing as a medium for all kind of businesses to achieve the modern era goals. Have been highly successful in cultivating projects in Real Estate, Financial and Education Sector.
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