4 Benefits of Using Animated Content for Your Business

Have you ever thought using animated videos to promote your business? If you think animation is only good for kids show or entertainment but not for something serious like business marketing, you need to think again. Still not convinced?

Well, here are some eye opening facts telling you why to consider animated videos for effective marketing.

After these startling statistics, let’s explore the key benefits of incorporating animated videos in your business marketing.

Animated Videos are Attention Grabbing:

You want to make your marketing content noticed. But the reality is that most of the website visitors tend to scan the page unless they come across something interesting. Why not use animated content? It is a simple yet effective way to catch their eyes. Animated characters, colours and interesting visual elements used in animation will keep the viewer’s attention glued to the screen.

And this thing translates into several benefits I have explained in the next points to come.

Easiest Way to Explain Your Business:

Animated videos are attractive and easy to understand. They simplify your products in terms of clientele comprehension. Or you can say that they showcase your product’s functioning in the simplest form for great understanding. This is why they explain your business clearly to your audience in seconds (than larger chunks of the text).

Improves Conversion Rate:

Animated content can improve your conversion rate. Animated videos present the sales pitch in engaging and “easy to digest” way. Besides, they contain a “human element” which makes the audience feel closer to the brand. In this way, animated videos help you to turn prospective customers into your loyal ones.

Boosts the SEO of Your Website:

Animated videos can improve your website’s ranking. This is because most of the search engines prefer the pages with videos. Another reason is that pages with video can attract more backlinks. For example, YouTube appears on the top on the SERPs most time in respond to the search queries.

Last Note:

So you must have understood that how animated videos boost your SEO ranking; grab attention; explain your business; and improves conversion rate. All these things lead to an expanding customer base and solid brand value. Creating an animated video generally require you an animator. However, many 3D video animation tools help you create the animation on your own.

Make sure your animated content focus on your target audience and their issues.


Categories: Blog
Varun Sharma: Internet Marketing Analyst, present Director @kvrwebtech.com Since 2009. Providing Internet Marketing as a medium for all kind of businesses to achieve the modern era goals. Have been highly successful in cultivating projects in Real Estate, Financial and Education Sector.
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